Hestia Creations Ornament - Illinois Governor's Mansion
Hestia Creations Ornament - Illinois Governor's Mansion
Hestia Creations has designed a lovely, one-of-a-kind ornament featuring the Illinois Governor’s Mansion. This ornament makes a wonderful gift, vibrantly illustrating the historic home to Illinois governors and their families since 1855 that remains one of the Midwest’s premier tourist destinations.
Hestia has been creating handmade and custom-made commemorative gifts and home décor accessories since 1986. Most of Hestia’s creations are custom designs, created for gift sellers and givers who appreciate the timeless value of items that cannot be found anywhere else. Over the years, the team at Hestia has created over 6,000 custom designs, ornaments and miniatures.
We are proud to offer this unique, specially crafted ornament featuring the Illinois Governor’s Mansion.